If you are anything like me, you might have thought these little thingies are universal
they are FAR from it. There are over 60 different types of bobbins.

To not overwhelm you with info, I will be talking about the only two I have encountered across 4 different machines/brands of domestic sewing machines. For an industrial sewing machine I highly recommend going to your brand supplier and asking for something specifically for your model number. I got a pack that said universal that looked exactly like mine that I got with the machine but it didn’t fit 

The two you are going to encounter the most are class 66 and class 15. Class 15 is your standard plastic bobbin with flat edges. I’ve seen this one in most domestic machines I have worked with (Elna, Bernina and Singer).
Class 66: this is a plastic bobbin that is the exact same sizes as the class 15, but it has significantly curved edges.
So what’s the big deal?
Class 15 can fit into most machines found locally (both drop-in and front loading bobbin systems). Class 66 fits only in machines with a drop-in bobbin system.
Most of the newer Singer domestic machines have a drop-in bobbin system. The bobbin is much more loose in its casing in comparison to other systems which means it is more forgiving when it comes to the shape of the bobbin.
Remember to keep your manual to refer to if you are unsure which one is compatible with your machine, and look carefully before just buying a bag and assuming they will work. Incorrect bobbins can mess up the tension and timing of your machine
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